

  It’s Not Illegal, It’s Just Toxic   Social media is a double-edges sword, it has the power to do real good, but also the power to hurt. Social media has provided people with the opportunity to show their personal lives. We can share the good things in our lives with others, share interesting things and inspire our passion for a brighter life. It allows friends we don’t often contact to know what we’re up to and stay in touch. Through the dynamics we post, others on social media can easily get to know each other and maintain friendships, regardless of time or place  but it’s worth thinking about using it wisely and safely. Simultaneously, the negative impact of social media cannot be ignored. With the rise in popularity of social networking sites in societies and communities, people become isolated and fragmented. Young people are more receptive to this change, and they are willing to spend most of their time on these sites. This situation has terrible consequences for their phy

The spectrum of Suicidal thoughts

An introspective unprofessional take Take a moment and answer this as honestly as you can. Do you want to kill yourself? Now answer this one — Have you ever  thought  about killing yourself?   What is Suicide? Although Suicide is a concept that has been explored by many and various definitions and types of suicide have been derived, a simple and ultimate definition of suicide is this — ‘ it is the act of intentionally taking one’s life.’ The most common cause is severe depression, however many things could lead a person to kill themself including loss, fear of loss, stress, substance use disorder, social isolation and my personal favourite — hopelessness. But this article isn’t for the people we have lost to suicide, and it’s not for those grieving the loss of a loved one to suicide. It’s for the rest of us — thinking about suicide. Casually or chronically. When should I be worried? As someone who has admitted to myself that I do crave oblivion and I hope there isn’t an


       Oblivion Brings No Solace The wind was whistling through the trees, while twilight cast shadows on the grave in front of her. For 30 years she’s been coming here every year when the autumn winds start to sing the song of a loss to her heart. All this time she was wondering just one thing — If he hadn’t left that night, if she hadn’t insisted, would her life have played out differently? She knew the answer to that, but she dared not to go down that path. They said it was a robbery, he was missing his wallet and the sports bag he was carrying. Two stab wounds to the chest, and by the time he was brought to the emergency room it was to late. White roses and just one red were laid on his grave that day. Deep inside, she blamed herself. If only she hadn’t begged for him to go home, but stayed in his arms for a little while longer. She couldn’t cry, not one tear for months, and then it all came out in streams of tears and sleepless nights, delusions and hard drugs. She was admitted to